Friday, October 29, 2010


          We watched part of the Scarlet letter in class yesterday. I must say, it was pretty awful. the acting was horendous, the special effects, like the "A" in the sky, were absolutely horrible, and it looked like a cartoon. i dont really think that special effects are even necissary for a good movie. I think that if a movie needs special efffects, they should spend the extra money, and do good ones, not crappy cgi. the best special effects are in the original star wars movies, all the aliens and stuff look pretty real, and because of that, those movies made a ton of money.
         My favorite movie, doesn't use any special effects whatsoever. It is "The Shawshank Redemption." its just a really good movie. the acting is awesome, with Tim robbins, and Morgan Freeman. i never read the book that it is based off of, so i can't really compare the interpretation from the book. Some movies that are from ooks, are not nearly as good as the book. I admit, i read all seven Harry Potter books, and I thought they were pretty awesome. The movies, on the other hand, i hated. The books were so long, and in my opinion can't be fit into on povie each. They leave out so much detail, and events, that are important in the book, and i feel like, had I not read the books before the movie came out, they would make little to no sense,
          It's hard to find a good movie. Most movies just seem way too long. I get bored easily, and when i movie  is 3 hours long, I usually turn it off in the middle. Like Avatar, it's just so long. I watched it with my brother, and i left before the big fight scene, because i had seen like 2 and a half hours of it, and nothing very interesting had happened, it wasnt worth the fight scene, because the rest was too long and boring.


  1. I know what you mean about the Harry Potter books/movies. I'm reading the books now and watching each movie after each book. The movies suck compared to the books. Right now i'm about 400 pages into the 5th book

  2. Welli agree with you theat special effects are not neccessary i think. ur right that its hard to find a good movie
