Friday, October 8, 2010

Half Days

      Sometimes I'm not sure whether or not I like half days. I remember when I was in elementary school i used to love half days, even though they only took off like an hour of the day. However, now that I'm in high school, they seem like kind of a disruption to your school schedule. You miss a a lot of classes, and the teachers will usually just assign you homework for both days, so it's not even really worth missing the class, since you just have to do the work anyway.
      Today is the easiest half day I could ever imagine. My first hour and a half I have study. There is nothing to do. Next period, I am a tutor in the ADC. The problem with that is, I don't have any student to tutor yet.Having no one to tutor, this period serves as another study. So basically, i have no classes today. This is very boring to me. I am not someone who can just sit and do nothing for a long period of time. Atleast if I was in class, I would be learning something, or having a class discussion, that would occupy me a little more.
      I'm not really even sure why we had an early release day today. Usually we have them, because the teachers have a meeting before hand, or something along those lines. I don't really think that should change the day for us though. They should either just have like an A.M. collaboration, or not make us come to school at all on this day. Honestly, the only reason i came was to get my progress report, because the school got cheap, and wont e-mail them home anymore. However, when i got to school, I found out that they had forgotten the Junior progress reports, and we might not get them today at all. This day was really not a great heads-up move on the school's part, in my opinion that is.


  1. I agree, my half day consisted of classes that jsut made me miserable. I had chemistry and spanish. Coming to school to just sit there in two classes I think is totally pointless and to add to it the classes are even longer than usual. To add to it even more I had to stick around near school for the rest of the day because I had a game in Weymouth and the bus was leaving at two thirty. The half day just disrupted my day all together.

  2. I agree with you Dan, granted i think highschool is a life suck of an institution whose sole purpose is to drain the individuality from all of us and render us to some sort of societal norms. But still, half days are pretty pointless, at least let me sleep.

  3. To me, the joy of getting a half-day is definitely gone. In the past, it would have meant that I would have been able to take a nap or watch television, but now it means work, as teachers tend to plan homework for such occasions it seems.

    On another note, it really is silly for the school to stop sending progress reports through email; I would not imagine it to be more expensive than it would be to print out several thousand paper copies.

  4. You have really good ideas Dan but i don't agree. I love half days despite what classes i have. It gives us so much more time to do things with your friends. I wish we had more half days.
