Friday, October 1, 2010

I Swear

       Our blogs are supposed to relate to something we talked about in class this week. However, we talked about writing essays most of the week, and lets be honest, writing essays isn't fun. So instead of writing about that, I will write about something we talked about on like the first day. That topic is swearing, and how it differs today from what it was way back in the day.
       Now a days, people don't really evewn think of swearing as being all that bad. tons of people use swears in everyday conversations. I do, I drop a swear in most sentences that I say when im not in school. Even in school, no one really seems to care about swearing. Everyday I hear f-bombs dropped in the hall, and the teachers standing right there dont care. Yesterday i walked into history, and when asked what the answer to the homework question was, having not done the homework, I just let out a word that is a synonym for fecal matter. Not only did no one care that i had just done something that would have gotten you beaten back in the old days, but they automatically just knew that I had not done the homework based on that short four letter response. This just goes to show you, that today's society has begun to think of swearing as socially acceptable.
       People who tell yoy not to swear, usually techers or other adults, simply refer to them as "four letter words". This annoys me greatly. When i am told to not use four letter words by someone, I get annoyingly sarcvastic, and begin to question them, using as many four letter non-swear words, with emphasis, as possible. I sometimes get in trouble for this however, so i should probably stop doing it. I probably get in trouble more for questioning the teachers wording, than i would if i had said the swear they were hinting at in the first place, because i know that the teacher probably goes home and starts facebook chatting with their buddy, using swears like it's nobody's bussiness.
       back in the day, swearing was practically taboo. if you swore you'd probably get your *rear end* beat. that would stink. When you hjit someone don't they usually swear at you for hitting them? So if someones getting beaten, and nthey throw out an insult at someone, do they just get beat mroe? it seems like it could turn into a very unfortunate never-ending cycle. I mean who really even designates what word is a swear? people now a days swear all the time, is that the end of it? or will people just come up with new swears, that others will be against, will it just continue on like that forever? Who knows.

1 comment:

  1. Dan i completely agree with your blog, in todays society we think swearing is a regular thing and we dont even think about it when we swear. I feel that no one really cares and why not, there is freedom of speech in this country. And I thought that your point on how people even came up with swears was interesting. That made me think of how someone even could have thought of a word and just call it a swear. I really enjoyed your blog.
