Thursday, September 23, 2010

Religion Today?

        Back in the old days, when The Crucible took place, religion was a huge part of life. Everyone in the Puritan community was strictly religious to the Puritan religion. Now a days however, I feel that things are much different when you're talking about religion. The country that we live in has freedom of religion. Anyone can be Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or any other. There is no law against it. Many people are not religious however, they celebrate the holidays associated with their religion, but they hardly know anything about the religion, and rarely, if ever go to church. When asked what religion they are, they tell people, but are they really that religion, or are they actually atheist? I think that if you aren't religious that would make you atheist, but i don't know, and i bet most people have that same problem, so they just say the name of a religion that they have some roots to.
         I am one of these people. I was baptized when I was 2 years old, and that is the last time I have stepped foot in a church for religious reasons. No one in my immediate family ever goes to church, I doubt we even own a bible. I know little about Christian beliefs, and I don't really want to to be perfectly honest. All I do in the way of Christianity, is celebrate Christmas, and Easter, and even then, I dont pray or go to church. some people think that they need religion in their lives. I am fine with that, if you are faithful to a religion, and believe in god, thats fine, but I don't want to be forced to believe in something that i really don't find to be the truth.
         I have a problem with people who come to your door and hand out pamphlets in particular. I think that it is wrong to force religion on people, and so whenever someone comes to my door to "Spread the word of the lord," I am usually not very nice to them. I respect that they feel so strongly about something, but forcing religion is wrong in my opinion. A lot of people disagree with what I think, that religion is pointless, but they shouldn't judge me for that, because I do not judge them for thinking that it is necessary.


  1. Well first of all those people are not forcing you. i do not like that they are knocking on my door but they are not forcing you forcing would be like what the Native Americans went through. They were forced. these people are doing exactly what they say they are doing spreading the word of the lord. not to lash out at you or anything but i do not go to church very often either but I am a Christian, but i see your perspective that religion has kind of declined and is not what it used to be its like when people became free to believe what they wanted to believe they no longer wished to.

  2. On the subject of religion, I have to say that I bear a similar perspective to you. I personally do not find myself being very religious, and often abstain from religious events. However, I do not view myself as non-religious, but rather very thinly religious.

    On the note of door-to-door missionaries, I try to avoid them as much as possible as I do share the feeling that they are trying to force their religion upon you.

  3. Hmmm...Religion is an interesting topic. It accounts for more wars than any other phenomenon in history. Wars are still waging to this day that have to do with differences of opinion regarding religion. An interesting idea to explore would be the purpose of religion. Is religion necessary in today's day and age? Do morals get taught at home by parents, or at school, or is it still necessary to attend a religious service (faith and denomination not important) to learn strong values and morals? I think morality is extremely important, but we are in a day and age when it is allowed and encouraged to question everything. Religions are not always graceful when it comes to accepting questioning or criticism. Perhaps this might account for the perceived decline in religious fervor. Just some food for thought.
