Thursday, September 2, 2010

the American Dream

       I dont think that i personally have been affected by the idea of the american dream. my interpretation of the idea, is that one has to work their way to where they want to be in life, and that there is always room for improvement. in my life however, i haven't ever really had to work my way towards anything substantial. i have always gotten what i needed.
       i guess the reason that i have always had what i need, goes back to my grandfather, who worked his way up from a poor family during the great depression, to living a normal life and having a fairly normal family of his own. he started his pursuit of the american dream, when he joined the navy on his 19th birthday. a year later, on December 7 1941,  he woke up to the sound of bombs, as Pearl Harbor, where he was stationed, was attacked. he then drove a small boat through the harbour, while the attack was going on, picking survivors out of the water.
       after the attack, he was stationed in phillidelphia, where he met my grandmother. after his 4 years of service were up, they moved to Wellesly, where my grandfather started his own auto shop. when my dad got old enough, he started working for my grandfather, and after working there for a few years, my dad bought his own shop in Natick, where he worked hard for years, until he acheived his goal, which was to own a second house for his family in NewHampshire. My father and grandfather having been living the american dream, by working for what they want for themselves and their family, which they have both done, and will continue to do.

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