Friday, October 22, 2010

Random Stuff

We wrote an essay in class today. I dont want to talk about that, so I won't.

     So, i don't like the school at this point in time. I am not aloud to ride the bus, because i technically live within 2 miles of the school. so i have to walk home, and my brother doesn't really like me, so he only sometimes picks me up, and if he does, he makes me clean stuff for him. so the other day i was walking home, and it was horrible.
      It started to rain, and so i got wicked wet. i called my brother to come pick me up, and he was like "oh good, i just made a mess in the kitchen and now i don't have to clean it up." i told him nevermind, cause ireally didn't want to clean up his nasty burned food. He goes to cullinary school,. but i still dont like his food, cause i can't even pronounce it. anyway, im walking hyome, and i stepped in this puddle, and my sock got wet, and thats just one of the worst things that could happen to a person. your sock gets all wet, and then it makes that really annoying squeaking noise. so i decided that didnt want to walk home with a wet sock, so i had to get a ride from my brother.
       the mess he had made cooking was horendous. he made this nasty looking curry stuff, and it was awful to clean. there was like ground spices all over the counter, and then this one pan had burned smelly vegetable that i had never heard of all over it. my  borther then said that it had tasted gross too, and so he went to taco bell. He reminded me of Cillingworth, because Cillingworth was crazy.


  1. Haha creative blog Dan Frazee! I got a nice laugh out of it. I also hate the feeling of a wet sock. It's awful!

  2. Your brother sounds like a pretty cool guy! Or does he? He cooks! But he's bad at it? You have to walk home! Your brother picks you up? Crazy kids.

  3. The bussing situation is a big problem. It's nice to have built in exercise on the way to and from school everyday, but that does not help you when the rain falls. Make sure you pack a poncho everyday before school.
