Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sticking Long Nails Into People's Brains Through Their Eye Sockets

          I would have to agree that the human brain is less understood than  the rest of the body. The brain is not understood in many instances. Most of the time, doctors, no matter how many years of training they have had, have trouble diagnosing brain injuries, or defects. the brain is extremely delicate, and during surgery, the slightest accident could turn a normal human being into someone with severe mental problems. There are few other places in the body where this could happen. Even open heart surgery is not as difficult as brain surgery. the heart is  understood by modern doctors, the know for a fact there are 4 chambers of the heart, and know the purpose of each one, as well as which veins and arteries go where, and their purpose. parts of the brain are still not understood, and it is not known why mist mental illnesses occur.
           The brain is so complex, that surgery on the brain is not often done. over the years surgerys such as the lobotomy, and shock therapy have been tested on the brain, in many cases having very negative effects. Patients of these procedures rarely got better, and usually had very serious side effects, some of which resulting in death. Now a days, medication is used to help cure problems that people have. These medications however are not always safe themselves. In fact, sometimes the medication has the opposite affect of what is desired. some medications advertised as curing depression can give a person thoughts of suicide. this goes to show that although medication current day is safer than having a lobotomy, there are still serious risks. this shows how complex the human brain truly is.


  1. Yeah the Brain is complex, it is weird to think that it is pretty much just water.

  2. The brain is an interesting subject. A subject that has been around for years. The brain is too complex for me.

  3. the brain is very complex and very little is understood about the brain, also the attempts at fixing the brain failed and labotomy was clearly not well thought out, but instead a quick try at fame for the doctor and a quick fix for loved ones for patients

  4. Because of the fact that the brain is very complex, the doctors then and now need to take extra care into procedures which they failed to do back then.

  5. Excellent post, Dan. It's amazing how little we understand about the human brain at this point in time, as compared to the systems in the rest of the body. How is it, for example, that we are not able to regenerate spinal cord tissue to restore walking ability to paraplegics? But looking at a case like Dr. Freeman's, it's clear that we have come a long way over the past half- century in the area of neuroscience.
