Saturday, December 11, 2010

top 10

      I don't really know if i have a top 10 favourite movies. there are lots of mopvies that i really like. I guess if I had to pick 10, it would probably go like this.

10. The Lion King- this was one of my favourite movies growing up, and I still like it. Everyone has seen it. And i've never heard anything bad said about it. it is just a good movie.

9. Forest Gump- I usually hate long movies, and this movie is quite long, but there really is no boring part of it. I would say it is in most people's top 10, i mean, everyone has said "run forest, run" a bunch of times in their life.

8. Napoleon Dynamite- I fully realize i will get criticized for this, but i don't care. This is one of the funniest movies i have ever seen. People always say that it is a terrible movie, but i disagree. The movie has absolutlely no plot, they dont even really make jokes, they just do sstupid things, and it involves stupid people. I watch it every time it is on tv.

7. Kill Bill- Tjis is really 2 movies, but so what, i like them both equally.the way they jump around is entertaining. the fight scenes are just awesome.

6. all 3 Lord of the Rings- I am watching the first one of these movies as i am writing this blog. I read the books, and in my opinion, this is one of the only instances where a movie has been better than the book it was about. They are so awesome.

5. the original 3 Star Wars- Notice, i just said the original 3, the next 3 were awful. These 3 movies haad the greatest special effects of all time, and i don't really see how that will ever change.

4. Ace Ventura Pet Detective- Jim Carrey is hilarious. these were my 2 favourite movies when i was young. hands down. I watched them both with my brother when i was like 6, and i made my mother go buy them both the next day. The second one i especially like, and i think it is the funniest movie ever made.

3. The Green Mile- The acting in this movie is so great. The plot is very unrealistic, but the acting is so god it doesn't matter.

2. Inglourious Basterds- Great acting, really funny. Brad Pitt was awesome in this. That German guy who played Colonel Hans Landa was amazing. It came out last year, and ive seen it like 20 times.

1. The Shawshank Redemption- hands down, best movie ever made. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman are so good in this movie. awesome script, awesome in general. entire movie is entertaining


  1. I too love Ace ventura. Classic Jim carrey. One of my favorites but i didn't include it in my list of movies on my blog.

  2. So I am not going to lie, half of these movies that you listed I have never heard of. But others like The Lion King and Forest Gump are very good movies.
