Monday, November 15, 2010

Death of a Salesman

           In Death of a Salesman, by  Arthur Miller, The main characcter, Will Loman, has two adult sons. Their names are Happy, and Biff. As a father, Willytries to teach his sons certain values. He does not care very much about his sons individuality, and just wants them to follow in his path, and be traveling salesman. He tries to teach them how to accomplish their dreams, but in reality, he is just projecting his own ambitions on to them. These are not favorable for his sons. They will not know how to live on their own, since their father has only taught them to do what he has done his whole life, and not be individuals.
           Willy Loman is also very paranoid, and unsure of himself. He always feels as though no one likes him, but he isn't sure if that is really true. He tends to mutter things, and can never make uop his mind about his past, or his sons. This reveals that Willy is a very unsure, paranoid person. Unfortunately, his wife Linda supports everything that he does. She won't let him believe that his paranoid and untrusting ways are actually harmful to him. Linda is supporting, but her support is negative, because she won't allow Willy to see his flaw, therefoire he can not improve on his habits.

1 comment:

  1. are we suposed to comment i think we are heres my first comment'

    well dan this does not fit the criteria of the assignment not gonna lie i was looking forward to view other peoples themes but i dont see any explanation here. well it was pretty interesting i guess
