Friday, February 11, 2011

The Daily Routine

            In "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", the patients living at the mental institution, are limited to a very strict schedule. They have no say what they do, or when they do it. They are told when to eat, sleep, watch t.v., when they can smoke, and how much, and when to clean. They have no say in what they are served for meals. They are told when they can brush their teeth in the morning, and how much toothpaste they can use.They are at the say of the Big Nurse. Her word is the law. If someone defies the big nurse, they are at the risk of being sent to the disturbed ward. At the end of the day, they are givin a pill, tied into bed, and arent aloud to get out until morning.
            Although there are a few similarities to the way that Framingham High School is run, the schedule that the patients follow, is much more controlled, and restricted.  At school, we may be forced to take classes, but ultimately we decide which ones we want to take. There are tons of electives that students can choose from, so people really shouldn't complain that they hate their elective classes. The patients don't have this luxuray, they go through the same routine every single day without having any word on the matter. in school we also get to decide what we eat for lunch, having many different options in the cafeteria. At the end of the day, we get on the bus, and go home where we are free to do as we please until school the next morning. The patients at the mental institution are not so lucky, they can not go home until they are cleared by the doctors. Some of them know that this might never happen for them. They are labeled a chronic, and forced to spend the rest of their lives following the same schedule every day.
               Some similarities we share with the patients, is we are forced to wake up early. I guarantee that there is not one person in school that enjoys waking up at 6. Also, though we decide what we eat, we can't decide when we eat. Based on the class we have at a certain time of the day, determines when we can eat.Some are fortunate and get first lunch. some are cursed to wait an hour and a half later and get 4th. The final similarity between our school and the ward, is the authority that we have to respect. The vice-principals decide what you get for punishment, and just like with the big Nurse, you don't want to be on their bad side.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sticking Long Nails Into People's Brains Through Their Eye Sockets

          I would have to agree that the human brain is less understood than  the rest of the body. The brain is not understood in many instances. Most of the time, doctors, no matter how many years of training they have had, have trouble diagnosing brain injuries, or defects. the brain is extremely delicate, and during surgery, the slightest accident could turn a normal human being into someone with severe mental problems. There are few other places in the body where this could happen. Even open heart surgery is not as difficult as brain surgery. the heart is  understood by modern doctors, the know for a fact there are 4 chambers of the heart, and know the purpose of each one, as well as which veins and arteries go where, and their purpose. parts of the brain are still not understood, and it is not known why mist mental illnesses occur.
           The brain is so complex, that surgery on the brain is not often done. over the years surgerys such as the lobotomy, and shock therapy have been tested on the brain, in many cases having very negative effects. Patients of these procedures rarely got better, and usually had very serious side effects, some of which resulting in death. Now a days, medication is used to help cure problems that people have. These medications however are not always safe themselves. In fact, sometimes the medication has the opposite affect of what is desired. some medications advertised as curing depression can give a person thoughts of suicide. this goes to show that although medication current day is safer than having a lobotomy, there are still serious risks. this shows how complex the human brain truly is.